Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Living My Life like its Golden

It felt so good to write that title. Wow. I don't know what's come over me but I feel reborn. Prior to this I was such a perfectionist in EVERY LITTLE THING I did. It was horrible. It sucked the life out of me. It had me on edge every second of every hour of every day. I can't believe I let all these little things get to me. BUT now, it's a totally different story. For example (Warning: Cliche coming your way)
As I was doing the dishes I was focusing so much on every little piece of food, every little part of the dish that still had soap on it, the part that didn't, I mean it was crazy. When I finally relaxed and just cleaned the damn dish without really paying attention to what I was doing, the job was complete with no effort at all and I didn't care if it wasn't perfectly washed or if every scrap of food was washed from the plate, I was content. I was proud of myself. I was happy for once and didn't give a hoot what anyone else would think. They can wash it them damn selves if it isn't clean enough for them ;)

But anyways, Heres a few inspiring quotes to entertain that brain in the best possible way.

"The only way to true happiness is to live in the moment and let the future unfold on its own."

"dont worry about the lil things that wont even matter by next week"

"love the life you live live the life you love." --bob marley

"don't just"

"Life is far too important to be taken seriously."

"Living my life like its golden"

And some last words I would like to leave you with (via My Twitter)

"Stop thinking so hard about things. How perfect you can get it or how much better it can be, as long as you put your all in it is all that matter. Chillax. Relax. Be yourself. Make a little mistake, just laugh at it. If someone wants to judge let them be miserable about having to judge other peoples lives because they don't have one and aren't content with who they are as human beings."

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